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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    I can't stop telling silly airport jokes. Doctor thinks it's terminal.
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    PCSPECIALIST What are you driving at the moment?

    Quite possibly a 'Thick Tok' thing.
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    In the States, it’s called an elevator. In the UK, it’s a lift. I guess we’re just all raised differently.
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    Who was the designer of King Arthur's Round Table? Sir Cumference.
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    Why is camouflage written like that when it should be written like
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    Someone keeps sending me flowers with the heads cut off. I think I’m being stalked.
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    ‘‘Twas the night before Christmas And all through the house Nothing was stirring, not even a mouse…” I should have bought a carbon monoxide alarm.
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    A linguist dies. At the funeral, a fellow academic asks the wife, “Do you mind if I say a word?” She nods. He stands and says “Plethora”, and immediately sits down. She says, tearfully, “Thank you. That means a lot.”
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    I got arrested yesterday for stealing a kitchen utensil from Ikea. It was a whisk I was willing to take.
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    Where do bad rainbows go? Prism. It's a light sentence and gives them time to reflect.
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    A man walks into a tailor’s shop in Athens and hands the tailor a pair of torn trousers. The tailor asks, “Euripides?” The man answers: “Eumenides?”
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    I've had my car upgraded to run on herbs. Now it's capable of thyme travel.
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    Me: What do you know about atoms? Friend : Very Little. Me: Besides that.
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    PCSPECIALIST Finally finally getting rid of BT Broadband!

    I'm still with BT for my sins, but getting fed up with being robbed silly for 38Mbps, VM is an option but how reliable are they? What's CS like? I don't need silly speeds but I really do need to stop the incessant drain on finance that BT represents.
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    I was watching Australian Master Chef last night. Some bloke made a meringue and everybody cheered. I thought, that's odd, normally in Australia they boo meringue.
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    PCSPECIALIST Lockdown - What's Worth a Watch?

    Last King of The Cross. Excellent 👌
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    I ate my last piece of cheese yesterday. Today it is raining. Ain’t no sunshine when cheese gone.
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    PCSPECIALIST One-liners

    Saw a poignant documentary about a man faking telekinesis yesterday. Moving stuff, really touching.