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  1. L

    PCSPECIALIST Gaming pc help needed x 2!

    Ordered x 2! Thanks so much for your time and knowledge, genuinely appreciated :love:
  2. L

    PCSPECIALIST Gaming pc help needed x 2!

    Thank you so much! They look incredible. The only query I have is with regard to the AIO fans. You said you put them on the front but I can't see anything to indicate position on the build page...what am I missing?
  3. L

    PCSPECIALIST Gaming pc help needed x 2!

    Hi there. I'm looking to get 2 new gaming pcs, one for me and one for my husband and am in need of some advice. We both are housebound so spent much (or all) of our time online. We both have the same current monitor...
  4. L

    PCSPECIALIST Is this good enough for WoW on Ultra?

    Hi, This is my first attempt at a build. It's a little above my ideal budget but just about affordable. I only really use my PC for playing WoW (12+ hours a day sometimes!) and surfing the web. Ideally I'd like to be able to do the new LFR with settings on ultra and also to be able to run 2 WoW...