
Female, wife, Dane and Cat slave, animal lover, biker, dreamer, gamer

Motorbikes, gaming, reading, needlepoint, scuba diving, sleeping
In the middle of a field, somewhere rural with lot
Beancounter/HR Witch
XBOX Live Gamertag
Don't have one
Wii Friend Code
Have one - never use it


Awaiting my shiny, new gaming 'puter:

| Intel® Core™i7 Quad Core Processor i7-3770 (3.4GHz) 8MB Cache | Super Quiet 22dBA Triple Copper Heatpipe Intel CPU Cooler | ASUS P8Z77-V LX MoBo |
| 16Gb Kingston Hyper-X Genesis Dual DDR3 1600MHz RAM | 2Gb nVidia GeForce GTX670 | Kingston HyperX 3K SATA6 120Gb SDD |
| WD Caviar Black WD1002FAEX SATA6 2Tb HDD | Iiyama E2773HDS 27" LED Monitor |​

Pretty please hurry along to my front door - I'm so sick of integrated graphics on this laptop! :hammer: