Recent content by dan536

  1. D

    PCSPECIALIST Selling mum's old PCSpecialist build

    Thanks everyone for the advice. Totally understand no-one giving a 'value'. In my mind giving it to my nephew would be the far better option and armed with the above I'll say the same to my mum. Seems like more hassle/risk that it's worth. Are mods able to close this thread now - as it backs...
  2. D

    PCSPECIALIST Selling mum's old PCSpecialist build

    Is it against the rules to advise? The reason I posted is because I'd seen other threads on here asking similar questions. I just thought that given the expertise on here, someone may have a rough idea.
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    PCSPECIALIST Selling mum's old PCSpecialist build

    Hello all, Before I start I want to be clear that I am not trying to sell a PC here. My mum bought a PCSpecialist PC back in 2014 and it has had light use. She now uses a laptop for everything she does. She is moving house and wants to either sell the PC or give it to my nephew if it won't...
  4. D

    PCSPECIALIST Laptop for sister spec check please

    Hi, My sister is looking to get a new laptop (which will be paid on finance, probably over 4 years), so needs to last that long at least. She uses it for the standard stuff - word/powerpoint, watching iplayer, streaming films from Amazon, internet. Nothing heavy and probably not even any real...
  5. D

    PCSPECIALIST Alternative to the 'Nox' review system

    Hi, I'm about ready to order my new PC (it's been 3 years since I last got on here) - and have looked at the Nox review system - but would like some input into whether there are suitable alternatives that are worth me considering. I willkeep the PC for 3 years minimum, use it mainly for gaming...
  6. D

    PCSPECIALIST General PC (no gaming) to last help please

    Hi, I came on here a year ago to get help for my PC and got some great ideas. I'm now helping my mum replace her 10 yr old Dell and would love some advice please. So - although she said her max budget was £1000, I suggested she could drop that significantly. So she said something in the...
  7. D

    PCSPECIALIST Spec check please

    I'm in the process of putting together a new PC spec as above. It needs to keep me going for 3 years, with pretty good game use (Far Cry 3 etc...), plus the usual other stuff. Nothing too taxing, but I do use it a lot for games and like them to run well. Therefore, I've aimed as high as I...