Recent content by ds1088

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    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Recoil 15.6 Review with 11th gen i7 & RTX 3080 16gb

    Thank you for this
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    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Recoil 15.6 Review with 11th gen i7 & RTX 3080 16gb

    One question I have to any fellow PCS laptop owners is the maintenance they carry out on the hardware. E.g. how often do they clean out the fans? And anything else they do? Thanks.
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    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Recoil 15.6 Review with 11th gen i7 & RTX 3080 16gb

    So I went full out on the spec for a laptop and have been using it for the past 15 days. I'm into VR and specifically editing high res (8K) 360 video hence why I needed this beast of a machine. Pros: PCS has an amazing spec for an amazing price compared with Alienware, etc Delivered quickly and...