Recent content by elino

  1. E


    Hey there guys, i really need a new comp as my laptop (bah) is not coping now with demands of raiding 25m, needs to run on high/ultra and more than 10fps :P like my laptop!, i have about 950ish budget was thinking itel i5core processor 3570 8gb ram 2gb nvidia geforce gtx 670 500gb hard drive...
  2. E

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST stuck on what to get!

    Hey guys i really need a new comp (got a really bad laptop >.>) but im stuck on what to get. i mainly play wow i want to play in high/ultra and have decent fps! (atm im raiding in 20fps..:(..) i have about £800 to 1000max spending please help me :D thanks