Recent content by Gr1ndhouse

  1. Gr1ndhouse

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Hi! Check my spec please!

    Hi Guys, This spec is not for me it's for a friend, however he does not have a PC....yet! His budget is around £700.00 and it will be for gaming, he is looking to be able to play some of the latest games on it e.g SWTOR, Skyrim etc and APB. How do you guys think it would perform, and could he...
  2. Gr1ndhouse

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST First Build, Any problems or suggestions?

    Hello all, After reading some topics and researching some bits online, I've come up with this pc spec, my budget is £1400, this spec came to £1468, which is just a bit over but im happy with everything, just thought id run it through you guys on the forums and get the all clear before purchase...