Recent content by MforMong

  1. M


    Afternoon, Wonder if anyone can help, I'm looking to replace one of my stock case fans with a corsair RGB fan but I'm not sure how I would go about it. Any kind of help would be much appreciated. The specs of my PC are as follows: Case COOLERMASTER MASTERCASE H500 ARGB GAMING CASE Processor...
  2. M

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST rtx 3070 sales preference according to upgrade / build ?

    As a reference point for you lot, my order's gone into building and testing this morning at 23 working days.
  3. M

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Gaming/Music Production Build

    Brilliant. Thanks for the info. I’ll definitely sort that.
  4. M

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Gaming/Music Production Build

    That makes perfect sense. Much appreciated.
  5. M

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Gaming/Music Production Build

    Thanks for your suggestions. Am I really that far off in terms of wattage for the power supply (550 to 850)? I'm not that technically minded so excuse me for being a bit dim. Also, I really had my heart set on the H500 case. Is there no chance of the H1150i being compatible?
  6. M

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Gaming/Music Production Build

    Evening all, Hope you're all doing well. Just wanted to get an educated opinion on this build and an opinion on what monitor I should get with a budget of £400. The following would be used for gaming, music production and any word processing and statistical analysis for my medical science...