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  1. K

    PCSPECIALIST Stuck in start up loop

    Hi PC froze when copying large files between internal SSD drives. Waited about an hour, then force reset using the power button. Now it's stuck in startup loop. It launches, goes into automatic repair, then either restarts and does that loop, or occasionally will go from automatic repair to the...
  2. K

    PCSPECIALIST Adding storage

    Hi I have the below and would like to add storage space. Primarily some larger games and movies. Not sure if I need a second HDD or SSD storage? And what's the difference? And how RAID works? Ideally just want it seamless, without having to move items around too much, or move files from one HDD...
  3. K

    PCSPECIALIST £500 budget gaming PC

    Hi all Some advice please :) £500 budget for gaming PC. Could you advise on the whole tower set-up please. Pref something that can be upgraded in the near future Tower only, no interest in fancy looking tower or LEDs, performance only No monitor or peripherals required Many thanks in advance