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  1. J

    PCSPECIALIST Windows 8 Hotkey / Graphics Switching Drivers????????????

    Hi - I have the Optimus II 17" - After updating to Windows 8 - The 'Hotkey' Driver disappeared or stopped working. The graphics button is stuck on orange continuously and doesn't do anything when you press it... I think it us using the NVidia all the time... I've been on the Clevo website (my...
  2. J

    PCSPECIALIST Optimus II 'system needs to be restarted' (hot key application fails) PLEASE HELP

    Hi all, basically as in the title. The 'Hot Key' Application which allows graphics switching between the dedicated Nvidia card and Intel graphics says this message that ive uploaded. I am not aware of any driver updates that have happened, and even if Intel or Nvidia have released updates, -...
  3. J

    PCSPECIALIST Optimus II Sound Problem when connected to a monitor - BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    Ive got an Optimus II. Its plugged in to my music studio equipment ( 'Focusrite' Audio Interface. ) When its idle, OR playing sound there is a slight BUZZZZ - through my speakers - weather the interface volume is up or down... As soon as i unplug my LCD extended monitor connected by VGA, the...
  4. J

    PCSPECIALIST Cant Copy Files? Invalid MS-DOS function

    Ive got an Optimus 2 17" and i recently bought some software. On the box it says 8X DVD DL (8GB disk...) Its manual installation - you install the 'host' then you have to manually drag the library folder into the correct folder. When i drag the files to ANY location on my HDD i get a message...
  5. J

    PCSPECIALIST Optimus 2 Memory Usage??? - Using far too much RAM - please help!

    ok - i got the Optimus 2 17.3" - its the 2GHZ i7quad version with 8GB samsung 1333MHZ ram. Ive loaded the 64bit windows 7 premium version onto it... On my old desktop, - ive got the same OS (64bit) but its only got 2GB ram - also its 3ghz dual core. - when idle - it uses 950/2048mb RAM... On...
  6. J

    PCSPECIALIST Optimus II Laptop Video's

    I uploaded this video a few weeks ago, ive now added a second one showing the internal components... Ill add my review on to this same post - im finishing my review this week end.
  7. J

    PCSPECIALIST Do PCS offer any laptop upgrading service e.g. RAM, Optical Drive???

    Ok, i got a Optimus 2 (sorry about spellings) - I couldent see a point in an extra £89 on a BluRay Writer... BUT now i think about it... 50GB disks sound great for video editing projects and backing up the whole system on to about 10 disks... So do PCS offer any upgrade service - like a 'i...
  8. J

    PCSPECIALIST Optimus 2 Mouse Driver?

    Hi, ive installed the mouse driver from the CD - and it just is NOT a laptop mouse driver. - No support for gestures (like scrolling if you touch it at the right or bottum) and the driver is a PS/2 driver - not like a synopsis driver that stays in your sys tray showing when your touching it...
  9. J

    PCSPECIALIST Optimus 2 Laptop VIDEO (and stills) I will post my review in the video description in a couple of weeks... Edited the video on the laptop - no lag, even rendered in 3mins - my old PC use to take 20 minsn for little things like that... :)
  10. J

    PCSPECIALIST Optimus Mouse driver and sound driver needed :)

    Hi, sorry to be a pain, - got 2 minor problems - 1. I use this laptop for audio production - so ive got a focusrite USB audio interface. I installed drivers and there was a constant clash between the built in sound card and the USB interface - SOOOOO in windows i clicked 'dont use this device'...
  11. J

    PCSPECIALIST Dead / Stuck Pixel - Optimus Laptop PLEASE HELP

    Hi, i received my optimus 17.3" today. To start with, I set it up, installed windows and some software. I was truly impressed with its speed. I can defiantly say the 2GHZ quad core processor is 2X faster than my older 3GHZ dual :) In the afternoon watched a couple of videos in full HD and they...