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  1. GeraltofRookia

    PCSPECIALIST Please help me.

    Hey guys, thanks again to everyone for your contributions. After all I did really good to ask here, as it's very interesting that with almost the same budget for a 15'' I'll be able to get a 17'' one. Tomorrow's my final decision so I'll order one of the two builds you guys mentioned. Have a...
  2. GeraltofRookia

    PCSPECIALIST Please help me.

    Wow guys thanks so much for the responses! Apologies for the slight delay in my response, I usually get online late due to work schedules keeping me busy. I'll try to cover all of your questions/points: @ubuysa thank you very much for this info! It will of course come in handy! Although, to...
  3. GeraltofRookia

    PCSPECIALIST Please help me.

    Howdy good people, and apologies in advance for the essay. I will include a TL;DR section in the end. I know that this is a PC Specialist forum, but I trust that I can safely post this huge dilemma of mine and receive objective replies. After years of saving some money every month (why thank...
  4. GeraltofRookia

    PCSPECIALIST Normally priced gaming laptop

    Can definitely push it a bit higher, since I can use the finance option and pay it in 6 months, would even go a 100 more if it's worth it. Thank you @SpyderTracks for taking the time for this. I'm planning on ordering before end of next week, so I'll post my appreciation here once I've placed...
  5. GeraltofRookia

    PCSPECIALIST Normally priced gaming laptop

    Wow that was quick! Thank you all, guys. Apparently I did need the help judging by the comments. I'm copying my builds' links below as Spydertrack requested: Build 1: Build 2...
  6. GeraltofRookia

    PCSPECIALIST Normally priced gaming laptop

    Hi everyone! I've been researching for a gaming laptop for 5 months now, obviously I'm not an easy buyer. As a Witcher fan, I know that most laptops on a 800+ budget would play the game smoothly with ultra settings, but I'm willing to go a bit higher, as I want to be able to play most new...