Search results

  1. Lazy

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST New Laptop good for autocad 2016 - advice gratefully received

    Hi All :-) , A pal of mine wants to upgade his personal 8 yr old Vista laptop to something that's capable of running Autocad 2015/16 (he's a site engineer). He has a budget of (max) 500 quid. I've looked at the requirements for 64 bit Autocad 2016...
  2. Lazy

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Mafia 2 promo code not working

    Hi all, Sorry in advance if a) this is in the worng forum, and b) if I'm being a complete mong. I'm trying to collect my copy of Mafia 2 using the voucher that arrived in my box. The instructions say to visit Mafia2 (which goes to a 'page not found' message generated by...
  3. Lazy

    PCSPECIALIST, PCSPECIALIST Interesting pubs/buildings I have known

    So, I was out on my Triumph down in Devon a week or so ago, and I came across this fine example of architecture. Apparently this pub was built on the back of a winning hand of cards quite some time ago. It's dimensions mostly conform to numbers found in a card deck, eg, 52 windows, 4 floors, 13...
  4. Lazy


    Hi all, New to forums, but not to PCS. First bought a PC from PCS back in 2006...was very, very happy with it, so came back for another one. Which is currently 'in-build'. I've no concerns whatsoever about the lead times, as I know about the quality of work that goes into the build and...