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    PCSPECIALIST Boot issues - not powering up on hitting power button

    Hey Paul, Thanks for chiming in. I get what you're saying but I've never used a work laptop without AC-in during working hours, not unless working on the move or travelling. What was being discussed with Ubuysa was specifically for testing the battery life of the one built into my lappy...
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    PCSPECIALIST Boot issues - not powering up on hitting power button

    Morning Ubuysa, I really appreciate your time and imput on this, thanks for responding to my post. Yep, will get in touch with PCS and see what they suggest. I did take the underside cover off to take a look at the battery and it isn't something that I can easily remove. My computer building...
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    PCSPECIALIST Boot issues - not powering up on hitting power button

    I can easily get a full working day's use out of it. Mostly emails, spreadsheets and web based stuff. Nothing overly demanding. Hard to test it exactly as you've suggested because I have to use it daily for work but I will make sure it's 100% charged before I turn it on in the morning and...
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    PCSPECIALIST Boot issues - not powering up on hitting power button

    Hey Ubuysa, thank you for taking the time to read and reply... I have considered this but the laptop is in an aluminium slimline case with no detachable battery, it's encased within the unit. I had hoped there might be a remedy without taking it to bits... I take it that's unlikely?
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    PCSPECIALIST Boot issues - not powering up on hitting power button

    Hey PCS Forum folk, Having an issue with my primary laptop that I bought back in July'22. No idea if it's a boot issue or maybe something to do with power supply (CMOS or main battery)... hoping you might be able to offer some advice. The issue: 8 out of 10 times that I power up the laptop...