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  1. B

    PCSPECIALIST Just got my Octane V, GTX 1080, 4K display - questions...

    Hello, I'm really confused. I've found this vram test: And I've ran two instances of it to make sure the whole vram is filled up completely. While running the tests, obviously the system becomes completely sluggish as it saturates the memory bus...
  2. B

    PCSPECIALIST Just got my Octane V, GTX 1080, 4K display - questions...

    Don't worry, I was just a little upset earlier. And well, Space Engine does use as much vram as it can: I've got to take a screenshot of GPU-Z right after the game crashed, it crashed when the allocate vram was 7554 MB exactly. It happens every time and exactly the same amount allocated, and...
  3. B

    PCSPECIALIST Just got my Octane V, GTX 1080, 4K display - questions...

    Hello everyone, so I just got my new laptop and for this I wanted something that would pretty much be a do-everything laptop, from web browsing to gaming, 3D rendering, Photoshop, and more. After months of thinking, I've leant toward this model, with a i7-8700 (non-K because of heard heat...