AMD Radion HD7970 3GB



Just a quick question: Is this card the "edition" model or the less powerful regular edition?




Super Star
Probably just the the normal regular edition. I think if PCS have a card anything other than normal they would mention it in the card description.


Bright Spark
There are bios updates available for you to turn a reference card into the "ghz" edition. Here is a link for one example:
bios update
Do some reading and see whether you think it is worth it. There are plenty of other articles. The bios update takes 2 min, and you get the performance of the ghz edition. Im not sure if the PCS version has a dual bios switch but if it does, then that is even better as the bios can always be swapped back to the default if any problems arise. I use the xfx 7970 with the upgraded bios. It is a fantastic card. :) Check out the latest performance tests to see it up against a 680. Up to you, they are both good cards.