Another XT or SSD


Hi Guys,

I am needing some advice on a hardrive for my Vortex II lappy. Bought it last year and have been delighted with it ever since, however, disk space is getting low, have a 500gb momentus xt which is really nippy boots up to desktop in under 25s. Now do I,

1. upgrade with a 750Gb XT and use as primary and get a caddy to fit the the 1st drive where the optical drive is.

2. Buy a 250gb ssd for primary and some games etc and use orignal hdd as storage only, trouble with this is my Steam folder is 200gb and growing on its own! Hate using external drives as they are so slow

I have heard that ssd's really are quick but after using this XT hybrid I am wondering if the price difference is worth it. Mainly used for gaming, if an ssd will signifcantly improve performance I will go that route. Whats your thoughts?



Staff member
Personally I would recommend a caddy and a secondary Momentus XT drive, assuming you don't need to the use optical drive.
I would remove the existing DVD drive and install it into an external USB box. I recommend the 750GB XT, it is even faster than the 500GB Momentus XT and has double the SSD portion.