Apparently dogs love thermal paste!


Prolific Poster
Long story short, my sister has a crappy laptop that was overheating, so cleaned it out and re-paste it.

Luckily i bought a thermal paste called "Gelic GC-4", which is slightly more expensive but supposedly works better with laptops.

So I finished the re-paste, closed up the laptop and all was fine. I left the tube of thermal paste on the table thinking it would be fine as my dogs doesn't usually jump up or anything, but less than 10 minutes later my sister calls me downstairs and said one of my dogs ate the thermal paste. I thought she meant a little bit of it, but nope, the tube was chewed in half with about 1g of the original 7g left!

Now most thermal pastes are toxic and have corrosive ingredients (look it up if you don't believe me), I frantically searched for the packet to check if it was toxic, thankfully the thermal paste i bought is non toxic and non corrosive!

So if you have pets, buy non toxic paste, since my dog thought it was nice enought that she ate the whole tube (even had thermal paste on her bottom lip!)

Just lucky i bought that particular thermal paste!


Biblical Poster
Have you attached a heatsink and a fan to your dog? Maybe run some benchmarks and see how the dog runs.


Prolific Poster
Can confirm that my dog is now 2 degrees cooler than before, here's the components i used for testing:

- Random household fan
- Tennis ball for stress testing and burn in