BATTLEFIELD play4free beta

Drunken Monkey

Author Level
IGN said:
There's a lot of buzz about Battlefield right now following the first showing of Battlefield 3, but let's not forget about the free-to-play version of DICE's shooter franchise. With Battlefield Play4Free, DICE ditches the cartoon style of Battlefield Heroes, another free-to-play offering, and adopts a realistic look. At a recent event I had a chance to play for a little while in the ongoing beta test to get a feel for the combat. Basically, Play4Free has all the components of what someone would expect from a Battlefield game, for free.



just sign up, and download, or sign in with your ea account and download

as with all of EA free to play games, there are micro transactions that give players the change to use real cash to buy better weapons (both permanently, and some 30 day rentail service)

(for the most part so get downloading)
But will it drag me away from bad company 2? (i hope not spent 30 quid on that and the expansion on steam the other day)
(minus all microtransactions)
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Same here, just finished installing it. But I bought Bad Company 2 the other day for a tenner too haha Only played it briefly on the PC (got it on the xbox and I pwned on it haha) and got my ass handed to me. Don't like that lol
I also got Medal of Honor (stupid American spellings....) and am hugely enjoying that :) Far better than I expected it to be and that was only a tenner as well :)


Superhero Level Poster
Battlefield Heroes never once worked for me. The browser-ness of it just never seemed to work on this PC. Was disappointed for a while...then I bought Mass Effect/2 :)

Drunken Monkey

Author Level
Okay run into several stupid problems, but basically, after you sign into the main website Battfield Play4Free and download the game, YOU HAVE TO Create Your Soldier, otherwise when launching the game all you get is a blank white window -.-

Okay so once i figured out that you cant use the user interface thing, until you created your soldier for the website, i finally was able to set up everything and away i went... Don't think theres a server browser (thought battlefield heroes had one, maybe i was dreaming)

Anyways it's just a rehash of battlefield 2, which means it's a good game, but it's still micro transaction based. It scales down pretty well, my mate on his ancient laptop can play it, so thats pretty awesome. (last time i played anything with him was C&C Red alert 2 yuri's revenge)

Will i uninstall bad company 2 and play this? Not a chance, but letting the masses play battlefield is always gonna be a good thing in my eyes. Good if you wanna play with mates who cant run demanding games x (Like you MARTIN x)
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