Corsair H100 and new 600T Panel


Bronze Level Poster
My PC was running a little too warm for 4.8Ghz so I bought a new Corsair H100 watercooler and a new door for the 600T with 4 ultra quiet fans. Seems to be a lot better now. Although I can't max the fan power on the H100 because they are stupidly loud, so it's on it's lowest settings. I've set the H100 fans to Pull, as there is lots of cold air coming from inside now. It's a shame the 600T gives no room for push/pull or to mount the fans inside.





Bronze Level Poster
They're standard 120mm fans, plugged into the 4 inbuilt fan cables that come with the case. Speed is changed using the dial on the top. The 600T panel comes with both a window and the mesh. Went for the mesh option for better cooling, but the window does look sweet. I'm glad Corsair decided to make it.


Running an SLi im guessing seeing as you have an SLi bridge?

not sure if you have done it or not, you could remove a drive cage block if you have less hdds and move the cage else where


Gold Level Poster
what cooler did you use before?.. and if it was getting hot why would you get ultra quiet fans when they are crap?