Delivery timey


Active member

Ive got just one quick question, what do u think guys normally how long does it take to get the desktop pc from the day when i ordered?
Ofc i dont mean like seconds, but im not at home at the moment, and im going to be at home at 28. dec, so thats why im asking would it be ok to order it now, or should i wait a bit more?


Superhero Level Poster
At the point you'll be fine, because unless you were to pick up the special Christmas Fast Track, you wouldn't get it before Christmas.

See PCS Christmas Opening Hours.

So if you ordered right now, this second, GO GO wouldn't be until the new year that you'd have it in your hands :)



Active member
works for me:) i was sure that i wont get it before new year, but thats ok, i can wait , but then im going to order it today tomorrow :)


Active member
Ive got one another question...
Do u think guys is it possible to dont do delivery? because of my working time, i dont really know exatcly what time im working, and if i cant be at home would be easier just when ive got free time go and get the pc if its ready? As i checked the "shop" is in central london, which is perfect for me to go and take it when im free, so do u think its possible to ask them to dont deliver it just text me when its ready and i can go and take it?


Superhero Level Poster
I believe if you talk to PCS/DPD you can arrange to pick the PC up yourself from either PCS or the delivery depot nearest to you.

PCS are in Holmfirth (near 'uddersfield), so that might be a trek, but if you contact PCS directly (by phone or live chat) they will be able to give the exact process to go through :)


The Awesome
Well, I can guarantee they are in Holmfirth, since I went and visited them last time I went up north :)

I'm guessing you must have just slightly misread something :)