email address not working.


Hi everyone, i have purchased a laptop from pcs but ive had no confirmation of placing my order although the money has been charged, i tried to make an account on the site but i couldnt log on as when i ordered i didnt have an account, i requested a password but no email was sent.

So i tried to make an account on the forums with the same email address and it said a url had been sent to the email address but i havent received one, so i tried to make an account with my gmail account and this worked.

So basically i need to change the email address on my order as for some reason my email provider wont accept emails from pcs and i have no way to check my order status/delivery date/tracking numbers etc.

Has anyone else had a problem like this and is there a way to fix it?


The Awesome
I presume you checked to make sure that any responses hadn't just been put into a spam folder on your account?


yes mate, the other address works fine so i basically just need to change the email address on my order and have the passwords etc resent and that should solve the problem, then ill be able to see my account.


The Awesome
The easiest way to do it is to probably give PCS a call when they're one, or email them (though it can take a few days for emails to be dealt with) from the email address your account is currently associated with


I was trying to phone them yesterday from about 9am but i kept getting cut off after holding around 30 mins, then obviously after 1 they were no longer open, i also tried using the live chat but same thing although im not sure i actually got through at all with that. Was getting a bit stressed out but im trying not to be one of those people that just keeps complaining before giving them a chance to look at the prob.

ill give them a call tommorrow, cheers for your help mate.