EVE Online


Any capsuleers on PCS play this game

I use game loosely as its more of microsoft excel with a texture back than anything aha!


Yeah I play, I believe we have a thread somewhere on it as well......

Yes I found a few on a search but there rather old :)
At the moment I just skill grind, not really logged in for a while, and it is even easier now there is no 24hr cap on skill queues, I queued up like 100+ days and logged out. I load Evemon every so often to see if my queues have run out or close to and then close it again.

I need to find some time to get back into it again I do enjoy it, I just end up playing solo most of the time with my 4 accounts :D
Hi there

I just joined these forums today

I`m a 11 year+ Eve veteran (I once had 11 active accounts, but now down to just 4)

I have ordered a multi-monitor setup mainly for Eve play (survived on alt/tabbing up till now)


Good to see some people that play it :) I've only been playing a year and a half now. 11 years put you in the extreme bittervet RJ! You must have over 100m SP