Final Fantasy XIV


Gold Level Poster
Does anyone play this game? I've always been a huge fan of the games, however they have gone a little stale since FFX (I loved that one anyway). I missed FFXI so haven't played a MMORPG version before. Is it worth a look at or is it a miss?

It's been out a while now, so I wondered now that hopefully early issues are sorted it might be okay.


Worth a crack but really not that great. I stopped playing it some time ago, haven't even canceled my account through as they've stopped the subscription fees as they realised they messed up pretty badly with it!


It seems to be a bit of a clone of 11 really. Not a lot changed, graphically very similar, same races. The job system is pretty clever and cool and you can switch by just changing gear, but that means having to carry a load of gear with you. There isn't or certainly doesn't seem to be, a great deal going on at the moment, you can only continue storyline quests once you hit the required level so you have to do what are called levequests to gain xp, but you can only do 8 a day. I could complete 8 in less than an hour. Then all you've got left to do is either grind grind grind or go harvesting or mining. Bit lacking really.