How long before...


Prolific Poster
...mobiles go the same way as PCs and people are paying people like PCS to put them together custom built? :eek:

"I need a gaming phone"
"I need a phone to call the nan"
"I need a phone to edit HD footage with and be a server at the same time"

I reckon the big wigs like Apple/Nokia/Samsung would be far too secretive over their stuff to do that. But now there's a Firefox phone - how long before it's all open to use...


Author Level
i think the only thing that is stopping this is screen size and the way we view our devices.

A phone that could do all that would be great but whats the point if its on a hand sized screen.

I think when augmented reality displays and controls really kick off i think this would be the case.

With 4G and a network that is speading up will we even need the portability of hardware, what if with augmented displays and a fast connection you could just use the hardware you have at home.