ISS and Shuttle Discovery sight seeing.


That sounds pretty cool, just wouldn't know which way to look in the sky!


Bright Spark
Thanks for the heads-up... had i known i would have waited as i was freezing my @ss of last night taking a startrail - it would have given me something to watch while i waited.

I used to have a GOTO mount that would track not only stars but some satellites and the iss but i got rid and leave astrophotography to the experts. Post a pic if you're able!


Unfortunatley I sold my telescope as it was a rather pethetic one, and plan to get a new astrophotography one after my PC.

@Meds: generally look in the west/south west direction on sat/sun at the times stated.. make sure your in a open area as it will be between 40-80 degrees above the horizon.


Bronze Level Poster
i'm giggling away because it was THIS morning that I was fooling around with the Solar Walk app on the iPad and messing around with the time functions, noted that the ISS would be passing overhead in the twilight hours over the next few days.

i find it amusing that this information goes out as a press release and there i am, inordinately chuffed with myself for figuring out when best to look for the ISS.

If mind was any sharper i'd be really dangerous.

and by sharper, i mean less stupid.
