just want check to see if this is ok


Active member
Hi to all on here I just want to ask if this is safe voltage for my cpu this is my setup

asus sabertooth p67
I7 2600K Oc to 4.5
16gb memory
coolit cpu cooler
gtx 580 sli
screen.jpg1000 watt ocz ps



Life Serving
I wouldn't know personally, you should get out overclock.net you will probably find an answer there.

just make sure you run prime 95 for 12-24 hours to check for stability.


Bronze Level Poster
With voltage comes temperature. Temperature is a bigger risk than the voltage its self. It isn't mental but it is on the high side. As long as you still have manageable temps, you should be fine.

I recommend downloading Intel extreme tuning utility, a stress test programme with monitoring software, really user friendly. Run the stress test part of IXTU and watch it for 10 min and make sure your temps are not getting too high (up to mid 80's will be fine, you wont reach that during normal use or on BF4 Beta :p)

If you are happy with the temps, proceed to stress test if you haven't already. Either 12-24hrs or 1hr and then see if you crash in normal use across the week to come.

Good luck!


Active member
thankyou guys I will give both a try and see what happens I know when I play bf3 my temps do not exceed 60 except one of my cores does anyways thanks again see you all on bf4 soon:punk: