Laptop for video editing


New member

I'm a bit clueless when it comes to tech specs so I'm hoping someone can help me with what sort of spec laptop I would need for general viewing and editing of gopro footage (not 4K)?

I move around quite a bit so a PC isn't an option.




Depends the use you'll do of the laptop. If it's for an intensive use in video editing, taking a i7 is a valid option as editing software gain a lot with multithreading. Otherwise, a i5 is enough for a casual use.

For the RAM, 16 Go is a comfortable base, and a SSD is a must to drastically decrease loading times (with a 1 To HDD aside to store all your videos). In addition you should prefer IPS display for the image quality. Ignore the graphic card of you don't plan in playing video games, you won't gain anything in video editing.


Multiverse Poster
Ignore the graphic card of you don't plan in playing video games, you won't gain anything in video editing.
Unless your software uses CUDA, or another form of GPU acceleration. In which case don't ignore the video card.