Monitor Descriptions


Prolific Poster
In the drop down list for picking a monitor the second and third TFT monitors are listed as having 2ms but in the information box about the screens it says that they have 5ms and 8ms. I'm not sure which one is correct but it looks like an error.

Edit: Also, in the 18.4" Viper II laptop section the Intel Core i7 Mobile CPU i7-740QM option is listed twice in the drop down list.
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Hey Phoenix,

Thanks for pointing these out. I can confirm that the 22" & 24" monitors are 2ms and the information boxes have been updated. We have also removed one of the i7-740 CPUs from the Viper II config - this was a duplicate.
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Prolific Poster
I thought that I'd just use this thread again since it's already here, in the drop-down list for storage devices there's an option for a 120GB OCZ VERTEX 2 SSD but in the further information box it's listed as 100GB OCZ VERTEX 2 SATA II 2.5" SSD.