Monitor that would compare with current Vortex laptop screens


Hey guys,

I received the monitor for my build yesterday (Asus VX239H) and I guess I've been spoilt by my Vortex III's screen. Does anyone know the specs of vortex screens? And does anyone know what price range of monitors I'd have to get to at least match their performance? It's a pretty big difference. Blacks are just blacker, and overall the quality is just better. I Connected it to my laptop while I wait for my PC to be built, and I don't think the Asus is bad, but especially using them side by side, the difference is quite obvious.


Multiverse Poster
I would have expected the Asus monitor to be significantly better than a laptop screen. My ASUS monitor (on my signature) is miles better in terms of brightness and picture quality. Maybe you just got used to your laptop screen but to have a monitor that performs similarly to your laptop screen is something you need to check by going to shops and checking the quality of monitors on display


Ah well the monitor you have is like twice the cost of my monitor haha (mine is a cheaper option, at £150), but yeah the monitor is by no means bad, but everything is just slightly.. I dunno.. Nicer on my laptop. I even bought an IPS one and sacrificed a bit of response time. I got the colors more or less right now after a lot of fiddling, but overall it's just not as crisp. Anyway, sometimes next year I'll probably buy a second (or newer main monitor) and a higher-end model as well. I'll see what I can afford. I still have another 8GB of RAM to add later on.

By the way, does it matter if I use an HDMI cable or if I use a DVI cable to connect to my system? Or rather is there a difference/ is there a rule as to what I use?


It shouldn't matter in terms of signal quality. Both DVI and HDMI transmit 1080 resolution perfectly well!


Ahh well I thought so. Would've been a nice little surprise to hook it up differently and then VOILA better quality! I guess I'll just not skimp so much next time I get one hehe. Thanks for the info!