New to PC


New member
Always been a console gamer but recently been thinking of getting a PC. Don’t know anything about what is good for PC gaming, and after looking at the custom ones on here, made me realise how little I really know about it.
Don’t need anything unbelievable, and my budget is around £1000-£2000


The BSOD Doctor
What games do you want to play and at what settings (4k?)?

Do you need peripherals too (monitor, mouse, keyboard) in that budget?

If you have a monitor what model is it?


Just to add, your budget is very broad, it spans low-mid end builds to high end builds.

Perhaps some more accuracy on your budget may help us tailor something a bit more comfortable to your budget.

Based on your comments my starting point for you would be a 2060 Super, but wed need the above questions answered to give you a full spec.