Overclocking pc & extreme pc Comparison?


Im highly interested in an overlocking custom pc also along with an extreme custom pc which both have exactly same specification except for the CPU or Intel Core. They are both i7 950 but 1 is an Overclocking (3.06Ghz-3.8Ghz) CPU while the other just says "Intel i7 950(3.06GHz)" only which i believe is just a solid CPU. I'm just wondering what the drawback was or difference since the price to both PCs were very much the same. I just want one where it can last long as ive heard the OC uses more power an heats up more quickly but yet is faster. so i wanted to know the difference before i can make my purchase. :)


Prolific Poster
An overclocked i7 950 will provide more performance than a standard one but it will use more electricity and will shorten the CPU's lifespan, should still be ok for 5~ years though.


So roughly how much longer will the standard one will last for? and if the overclocked version went past that 5year lifespan, will it be required to get replaced for a new 1 or a differenct cpu?
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Prolific Poster
Maybe another 5~ years, this is just an estimate to give you a rough idea, it won't just drop dead after 5 years but it might fail. Yes it would need to be replaced but you'll probably be looking to upgrade the CPU by that time anyway due to software advancements making the CPU struggle.


ohh okay. Just roughly 6-7 years would be good as i will change it surely round those years time. I also wanted to know about 2 more questions to help me make my purchase. the 1st one is the processor cooling unit. Wanted to know what cooling was very recommended as i'm interested in either the Titen Fenrir Evo or the Coolit ECO A.L.C? both ive heard with both postitive reviews so wondered what was more recommended as i dont want the pc to be heatin up quick. since the option ive chose will contain 6gb ram 2000MHz along with the radeon 2gb 5970 graphics card aswel for future ram upgrade of another 6gb.
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Prolific Poster
The CPU cooler will only cool the CPU and not the other components so getting a more expensive one won't effect the other components. The titan fenrir will provide cooler temperatures than the COOLIT ECO ALC but it is larger and heavier.


i see. appreciated for the help on that aswel :) and for a final question is that the custom pc im planning to purchase is not going to be bought with a Windows installed as i already have my own windows7 cd at home an didnt wana make a purchase of another which will make me have a duplicate copy. so was wondering if it will affect hardware installation in anyway?


Prolific Poster
Not at all, sysprep will be installed so you can just enter your key code for windows 7.


Oh i see, so any installation disk or hardware that it comes with, will it be pre installed or just the windows? as i have a windows7pro disk ready in hand.


If i bought it with a windows would the other hardware be installed along with the windows?


I'm thinking of getting the Wirless 802.11N 300Mbps pci express card, would it still be possible to use the onboard gigabit lan port on the motherboard or clash with it in anyway? and would it be possible to send in a windows7 disk to do the full installation?


Prolific Poster
Yes they would both work independantly, there will be a port on the back of the computer for an etherbet cable if you have one and the antenna of the wireless card will stick out at the back so you can either connect to a wireless network or just plug the cable in.