Planetside 2


Anyone here playing this? It's probably the biggest reason I purchased a gaming PC. It looks incredible. A refreshing change from Call of Duty for me I'm sure.


Prolific Poster
I played it when it first came onto Steam, I found it pretty decent but was a bit tired of the micro-transaction philosophy. I would much rather pay for a game upfront and make what I want of it.

However, I'm not a crying baby, I did appreciate the game for what it was despite the business model and I used to do okay on it. My biggest issue was that I never felt like I'd achieved anything. Some of the battles were epic, 50 guys in a room trying to get up a single staircase, it was brilliant, everything an FPS should be. I just found it to be fair too open and unengaging. I could play it for 3 hours and logout feeling like I hadn't achieved a single thing. I get that games aren't created to give you a feeling of self-worth or anything but it genuinely just felt like I could run around with my pants down firing my gun into the air and it would have no effect on the overall battle. I'd just keep respawning in the same place and trying to take that point for an hour. I had no desire to level up my character because they never really explained to me what upgrading my character could do for me. On other MMO's, I had motivation as I'd unlock new skills and equipment, etc etc. On other FPS's, I get motivation because I want to finish at the top and unlock things as I go along. On planetside it just doesn't seem to combine those two features, leveling up seems a bit pointless because you can effectively buy success with real money and I don't see the competitive side because the game never stops, so you never finish on top.

I dunno, maybe I need to give it another chance. I know everybody hates lobbies inbetween multiplayer games but at least they give you a chance to see how you did on that game and start over with a fresh score.


Bright Spark
Im playing this game a fair bit. Empathise with the gripe that you can feel a little remote from the action at times, or that you haven't achieved much - playing singleplayer can breed that attitude pretty quickly. I was just fortunate that some friends were playing already, so once you're on teamspeak and loading into an APC you're golden.
If you have to play on your own I'd try and see where the majority of your forces are pushing on the map. Hit INS to join a squad once you've ported to a contested area. Sony Online are making unlocks account bound, which is great, as you can easily swap servers to play with friends and keep upgrades. Im on Mallory, send me a steam message any time you guys wana play.


Superhero Level Poster
I would echo that sense of scale. While it is great that its huge, when I played a bit when it first came out, I just felt so alone most of the time...then i'd get into battle and it'd be good...then i'd die and end up alone again as I trudged across the landscape (which did look good :) )

If I had more time I would give it more of a go, but I spent a bit of time on Tribes when it was released last year, and now dont play it at all because I never really felt like i was getting anywhere. But hey ho, its a free game to play if and when, so might have to have another go at some point.