Prioritizing my internet connection over others for gaming... Help?


Hi everyone

So I'm home for the summer and the internet at home is horrific. It really is. Test after test shows our max download speed ever is 6MB, but usually sits between 1-2MB.

Whenever I'm playing online games (usually LoL) that require a decent ping, as long as no one else in the house uses the internet my connection is fine (sits at about 60ms). Soon as anyone does anything remotely data intensive (such as watch youtube, netflix, now tv, open snapchats, update apps on phones etc etc...) my ping goes through the roof. If anyone's watching netflix on the telly next door to me I have a fluctuating ping of 250-350ms.

Is there anything that I can do that would mean my internet speed is prioritized over other devices? Or anything anyone else could advise onto help? I've reada few things about QoS settings on my router which may help, but the settings I have available are so confusing and I really don't know what I'm doing with regards to that (which frustrates me because I'd love to be able to just use them :p ). Does anyone know how that works/could help me with that too?

Just a side note, no ISP can offer better packages due to the location of the house so upgrading the package is not an option.

Thanks in advance!! :)