PS2 controller with vibration for PC DIY [Need info]


New member
Hello everyone!
Sorry if this is wrong category to ask this but:
I started messing with my chinese PS2 controller to find out if it is possible to get it to vibrate without buying an adapter (because of course DIY is much more fun :D).
So, I found this nice how-to:
It show how to make pretty much any PS controller connectable to PC by using DB25 parallel port.
My little problem with this is that my PC is not ancient and I don't have that port on my motherboard.

So now for the question at hand: can i use this adapter to "create" a DB25 parallel port for my mobo?
I have the slot for it in my mobo, my question is whether the controller will be supported through that socket?

Also, you might ask yourself "Why not use the USB adapter for PS2 controllers?". Well, my answer to that is I would make more use out of that DB25 port for other devices.

Helpful answers will be appreciated and will earn you virtual karma! :)
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