Questions about 144hz monitors

In preparation for a new rig, I'm eyeing up a decently priced 144hz monitor. However, is it worth it? I need some clarifications on a few questions

1) Does a higher refresh rate mean less tearing, even below 144fps (say...60fps)?
2) Is a GTX 970 a good match?
3) Does a higher refresh rate mean less input lag?
4) it needed on a 144hz monitor?



Superhero Level Poster
1) No, you can still get tearing.

2) Depends what games you play and what settings. A 970 is a good card but wont drive many modern games at 144Hz at max settings.

3) yes

4) Yes if you are annoyed by tearing/depending on the FPS of the game you will need it unless you have hardware to drive the card at over 144 FPS.

Perhaps look into a monitor with G sync rather than using vsync. gsync is an Nvidia technology that eliminates the problems with vsync.


Author Level
Im using a gtx 970 with a Samsung monitor and at 60hz im getting bad screen tearing. I have over clocked the monitor upto 75hz and that does help just see the odd tear now. Not all monitors are overclockable and if caught it will void your warranty if anything goes wrong.


Bronze Level Poster
In preparation for a new rig, I'm eyeing up a decently priced 144hz monitor. However, is it worth it? I need some clarifications on a few questions

1) Does a higher refresh rate mean less tearing, even below 144fps (say...60fps)?
2) Is a GTX 970 a good match?
3) Does a higher refresh rate mean less input lag?
4) it needed on a 144hz monitor?


I have a BenQ xl2420z 144hz Monitor + a GTX 970 (4790k intel CPU).

So far I've run everything I've thrown on it at Max and getting around 50-60fps for stuff like DA:Inquisition. I'd recommend getting one as its a nice thing to have, though you can still get tearing (especially horrible in Far Cry) unless you apply VSync. If you upgrade in future there is potentially the capacity to VSync at a steady 144fps with the 144mhz monitor.

Input lag also depends on the peripherals but yes.

I wouldn't say you NEED a 144mhz monitor for FPS or for anything in particular as there's a lot of speculation over whether the Human Eye actually can tell the difference, but it's a nice thing to have (why not?!), just don't expect to be hitting 144fps on everything with a 970 card.