Quite disappointed with the service I have received with PC Specialist (RESOLVED)


Staff member
Hes seen my steam collection :). He can kick my ass at SupCom2 Any day though.


Resident Metalhead
Staff member
A double meaning that is sadly true in both ways.

I do have steam, I'll pm you my username, I don't put it on the forums these days as alot of people hassle me with tech support when I'm in the middle of a game :p Not that I don't mind helping...


Prolific Poster
"TANGO SIX TANGO SIX DOWN..... PS Jak, my keyboard and mouse that I bought from PCS are making me lose. This is, of course, your fault."


Bronze Level Poster
A double meaning that is sadly true in both ways.

I do have steam, I'll pm you my username, I don't put it on the forums these days as alot of people hassle me with tech support when I'm in the middle of a game :p Not that I don't mind helping...

"Get in cover quick Jak, we have a windows update failure incoming and somebody wants you to fix it asap" lol Nice one mate I will add you later.