Radeon HD 7000 series and GeForce 6 Series


Master Poster
Both of these GPU lines are expected to come out Q4 this year (R7000 definitely) and I am anticipating their release. What is everybody predicting? I predict a large increase in power this year for the X800 Line of the Radeons.


Active member
I'm not sure that Nvidia will be able to shell out the Kepler this year. We do know AMD will release the HD 7xxx series in October.
Mobile versions of these cards will definitely not hit us until at least Q1 2012.
For the huge increase in power... we will have to see. Marketing will keep the performance gain to a constant percentage over time.


If I buy an optimus2 laptop with gt555 now will it be upgradable to the mobile GeForce 6 series when they are released?


Super Star
Im not bothered because the 500series cards will plat strategy games at a high level for atleast 3 years