Review section idea - configure without losing discount


Rising Star
Hello all,

I've been thinking about this today.

Now I can totally understand if there is a reviewed model that a set price has been decided upon and any change to this would result in the discount being lost, it makes sense. However it only really makes sense if it applies to the Case, Core Components, Hard drive and Cooling segments of the Configurator. Why can't you lock those area's for review models.
My idea would mean that you wouldn't lose your discount if you wanted to change the warranty, operating system or add peripherals to the order.
It seems silly (And I know a phone call to PCS would negate this) that you can lose your discount for choosing a different power cable or adding some home plugs... ;)

Could not a website wizard make this happen? If anything it would allow people to spend a few quid more...

Or am I really missing the point?
