***** TP-Link (moan!)


Prolific Poster
Dang them (TP-Link).

Used their TL-WN722N for some time as it was Atheros based.

Just had to buy a new one and it turns out a) it's Realtek based and b) likely doesn't have monitor capabilities.

Of course they don't warn anyone, do they??? Grumble.


Prolific Poster
I have to confess to laziness Ouss...I ordered it 'cos it's a variant I've used in the past more than once and I knew would (Ha!) work out of the box.

Part of the problem is running it under pwnix/nethunter which is a variant of Kali on phones. I couldn't be bothered with trying to get the right driver compiled as it doesn't support monitor/promiscious mode anyway now from what I can see which I need for pentesting.

I take responsibility at the end of the day - I know better than to take such things for granted. :(