Vortex II 15.6" - 3D TV? Noise?


New member
Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone knew if the Vortex II 15.6" laptops support 3D TV over HDMI?

Also, I was wondering if anyone knew what the noise difference would be between a Vortex II 15 and an Optimus II 15 during low performance use (surfing, e-mailing, word processing)?

Things usually get pretty quiet in my living room at night, so non-stop fan whining would be a discomfort.



Staff member
The Vortex II can output 3D to a 3D capable TV or monitor, you just need a 3D vision kit (glasses). :)

I would imagine the Optimus is quieter than the Vortex as it's not as powerful. However, here's a link to a fantastic review of our chassis on notebook review with over 50 pics:


This particular customers' thoughts on temperatures/noise were as follows:


This computer runs very cool the cooling system is by far one of the best I’ve seen in a laptop. It rarely gets warm due to the fact that the fans do such a good job at keeping the system cool. Now noise is sort of subjective. My fans cycle up and down but that is most likely due to my current BIOS and EC firmware. Depending on the environment you won’t notice them that much and they tend to turn into background noise. As for battery life I’m yet to give it a proper testing but I did manage to get about 2 hours under moderate use with the screen brightness at full.