What is the best security software for mobile?


New member
I have a son. He's in his teenage phase where he doesn't respect me but I'm always supportive and tell him I love him. However, I don't trust him in this phase because his older brother took to drugs quickly and was expelled from school and before long was put into jail . I want to know what my son is texting and who he is calling on his Windows Nokia phone. I need it to sends me the log information data in a proper way which doesn't violate his privacy.


Err... I'm not sure there is any legal way of doing that. And any illegal ways will not be discussed on this forum.

EDIT: - Seemingly there are programs that you can buy that do similar things, although I'm not sure of their legality etc. But googling will find them for you.

I wouldn't have said you can actually get any of the information you were after without violating your sons privacy however, the sheer fact you want to read his private messages is a violation of his privacy?
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New member
My parents didn't snoop me. However, if I lied or tried to manipulate or was disrespectful, I would be punished to sit in my room without TV, cellphone, videogames until I rotted.