What was your first experience "botching" a repair on a computer?


Rising Star
I thought this would be a fun little topic for discussion, what is the first computer repair you made that would leave you cringing now?

I'll start off ...

Many moons ago i had an old Amiga 500, those of you that have peeked under the cover of one of them will know that on the keyboard circuit board near the power lights is a largish chip keyboard controller chip that if broken or removed completely locks out the whole machine.

My first ever Amiga 500 wokred great for a few months, then one day it just wouldn't work, it would power up but none of the lights would come on and it wouldn't display on the screen, in a panic i opened up the case and started fiddling with wires while it was turned on (as you do!) when lo i knocked the keyboard chip and yelled "it's alive!" the amiga started working again, over time the fault persisted and all i had to do was give the chip a flick, until eventually even that didn't work, after some messing about i found that if i squeezed the chip it would work so i fond a huge bulldog clip and slapped it on, i've kept that same Amiga (despite ownign multiple variants since), no cover with a huge bulldog clip sticking out of it and to this day it still works perfectly.

Looking back i'm pretty sure sticking your hands inside a live machine and wiggling wires and chips is a bad idea, i certainly wouldn't do it now, but we didn't know better back then ... or IS it better?


The BSOD Doctor
I'm sorry, the words "botch" and "ubuysa" are never found in the same sentence. :angel:


Rising Star
I once tried to check if my new audio card will fit - decided to remove blanking plate while PC was switched on. All went well but when was removing blanking plate on the back it touched something on mobo, shorted, sparked some mini thunders and fried my motherboard = Insta-facepalm!

This not my doing but it was me who discovered it. Once I visited customer with possible RAID controller fault as system was a bit erratic. No obvious signs (old school controller where raid could only be checked while system restart) so opened the case and then I saw it! Someone stuck a blu-tack on top of the beeper for RAID errors. As you can imagine RAID was making all the right noises indicating issue but nobody could hear it! Never thought about such way of "fixing" raid arrays ;)


Prolific Poster
Spilt a pint of fresh OJ into a laptop. Removed the keyboard and ran it under the sink. Left it to dry. Got bored of waiting. Took a hair dryer to it - melted the plastic.


The BSOD Doctor
Spilt a pint of fresh OJ into a laptop. Removed the keyboard and ran it under the sink. Left it to dry. Got bored of waiting. Took a hair dryer to it - melted the plastic.

I once spilled a bottle of beer over an old Compaq laptop of mine. I didn't resort to the hair-dryer but dried it naturally. All was well for a week or so and then keys started sticking (dried beer will do that). It was less than a year old so I though "what the heck" and sent it back under warranty with a report of keys sticking.

It came back about 10 days later with a proper computer-printed fault docket listing "keys sticking" as the reported fault and "keyboard replaced" as the fix. In pen, handwritten by the guy who replaced the keyboard (I guess) was written "what kind of beer was it?".

I later bought two more Compaq laptops on the strength of that. :)

Would PCS do that I wonder?


Superhero Level Poster
Would PCS do that I wonder?

Nah, PCS would take your laptop with a slight scratch on the screen, then tip beer on the keyboard and report back to you that it has sticky keys likely due to some accident caused by the customer...

...am I doing it right? :D


Silver Level Poster


I'm glad that amused someone.

On a serious note, though, Apple products don't agree with me. I accidentally brushed my housemate's iPad with the back of my hand and now I have a patch of ringworm there.


Rising Star
when I was very young I knocked a glass of water all over my laptop, I panicked and got some toilet roll and tried to mop it up - failed - so I grabbed my mums hair dryer and melted the entire keyboard. I then proceed to cry and try and hide the laptop under my bed, eventually my parents found out and were not happy to say the least lol :l

on a positive note it was a hp laptop :p