Where is everyone from?


Mums are funny creatures. In my very earliest working years I worked for (what became) BT and spent a few weeks as an apprentice working in Birmingham Anchor, the underground nuclear bunker telephone exchange beneath Birmingham. (I don't think it's secret any more? If it is I guess guys in black suits will be knocking on my door very shortly!). And yes, there's one under many of the major cities in the UK. (I'm just making it worse for myself aren't I?). My mum was terrified for me, she somehow imagined than me working in a nuclear hardened telephone exchange made the threat of nuclear war somehow greater. Mind you, given how little I knew back then and how much sercure kit there was down there she might have been right...!
well, we and must have one of the biggest of those in the country and its not in a city or town its in a village, goes down loads of levels, I forget the latest set of letters its known by but i think most folk know it as RAF strike command


Nice. Only Derry I was aware of until now was from Stephen King's IT! 🤡
Don't worry we're very well aware of it too, not joking in the halloween capital either mate have a google at Derry City Halloween and see the fun we get up to. People come from all over the world to celebrate here, it's a great gas