Why does this site keep timing out??


Hi there, anyone have any ideas why this site repeatedly times out? It's very frustrating! My internet connection is fine, no problem with any other sites. I even switched off addblocker for this site just in case but to no avail...


probably to ensure account security mate.

Thanks for the input man, I probably should've clarified the situation a little more. I do internet banking so I'm used to being logged out automatically for security if the page is inactive for a certain amount of time but this is different. For example, often if I'm on the forum for a short time and click on a new thread the page will try to load but nothing will happen and eventually the 'timed out' message will appear. If I click back and try again the same thing happens. If I leave it for a while and return later I can load a few pages and then I might get the problem again. Very strange! Any other ideas? I haven't seen any other complaints like this so it's hardly a problem with Firefox, and like I say, all the other sites I use function normally... :(
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No idea, I'm not experiencing any issues like that at the moment. Try clearing your internet cache (and doing the typical 'switch stuff off and on again') type stuff. Typically that sorts out the wee issues. It shouldn't be anything major as its only occurring on one website.


Active member
It doesn't seem to be consistent or have any sort of pattern but I've had the timing out thing happen here too (on more than one occasion). I thought at one point it might be an issue at my end but at the same time I could still browse other sites while it was "thinking" about loading. It doesn't happen frequently enough to be an issue but it's a bit of an occasional (and random) nuisance.


Thanks for the input people, I've tried clearing the cache (didn't help) but I'm not sure what I should switch on and off as suggested by Steaky...any specific ideas?
Lucky you Mairin because my problem is very consistent. I get to open a couple of pages before the problem occurs every time I come on here.
Alright I'm off to fiddle with some more settings, wish me luck!


Thanks for the input people, I've tried clearing the cache (didn't help) but I'm not sure what I should switch on and off as suggested by Steaky...any specific ideas?
Lucky you Mairin because my problem is very consistent. I get to open a couple of pages before the problem occurs every time I come on here.
Alright I'm off to fiddle with some more settings, wish me luck!

Sorry, I was just meaning the general switch the PC on and off type stuff, just to ensure its not that. Maybe resetting the router could help. I'm really baffled at how its just this site.

Might be worth you giving PCS a call if you were wanting to discuss parts and stuff if the configurator is giving you grief (with the pages crashing etc.).


Yup steaky, it is a conundrum! This site being the only one that my laptop has a problem with is just bizarre! I've just come onto the forum so I've navigated through two pages and I will be lucky if I can get through two more without the 'timed out' situation occurring. I was able to use the configurator and put in my order without too much trouble although maybe that's because I wasn't navigating between pages so much...
Anyway I'll let you know if I figure it out, thanks again for the suggestions