Windows 8 Annoying "Can't Move File..."


Bronze Level Poster

One thing I have noticed in Windows 8 that I did not get in other versions of Windows is this extremely annoying situation:

I download a file from the internet, unzip it, and then try to move the unzipped file to another folder and I often get the message "Cannot move the file as it is open somewhere else!"

But it isn't!! I haven't even opened it! The original zipped file has been deleted. I close down all open windows and folders and try again and it still happens. Sometimes trying again will work sometimes not.

Why does this frustrating proplem occur?

Thank you vary much.


The BSOD Doctor
That's unusual, I've never come across that on my Windows 8 system.

Get hold of Unlocker, it's free and very handy for these kinds of problem. To run it (after installation) open File Explorer, right click on the file in question and select Unlocker from the drop-down menu. It will show you any locking handles and it can even do the move for you. A very useful tool.

BTW. When installing don;t bother installing the Assistant, it does nothing useful.


Bronze Level Poster
That's unusual, I've never come across that on my Windows 8 system.

Get hold of Unlocker, it's free and very handy for these kinds of problem. To run it (after installation) open File Explorer, right click on the file in question and select Unlocker from the drop-down menu. It will show you any locking handles and it can even do the move for you. A very useful tool.

BTW. When installing don;t bother installing the Assistant, it does nothing useful.

I'll try that, Ubuysa. Thank you. :)