RMA Information

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Hello! I was wondering if theres any information about the workload etc. regarding RMA's at the moment?

I messaged technical help yesterday asking about my PC that I sent back 2 weeks ago. The reply said to wait another couple of days and ask again!

I appreciate if PCS are busy then there are only so many hands to be used, but some more information about any problems/solutions encountered would be most appreciated.

Many thanks in advance!

P.S. All I know at the moment is that PCS has my PC as of 6th July and Aiden Ramsden is the "Entrant"
P.P.S. I haven't divulged the RMA code etc. because I'm not sure as to what information is acceptable via official and unofficial lines (and/or worthwhile)
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Author Level
Hi Vortex and welcome to the forums.

We dont give updates on RMA's etc on the forums as we have a callcentre / website mail system for that which is far more reliable with a guaranteed response.

Going on the reply you received i would presume that means they are working on the machine at the moment and i would expect to hear from them before long. The RMA guys are pretty good at keeping people informed on progress, if you havnt heard anything yet its probably as they havnt finished and have not got a lot to say!

If you contact the call centre guys they may be able to chase down an update for you.


Staff member
2 weeks is a lot longer than we normally work to, I'm guessing we're probably waiting on a supplier or something, but a quick call to our call centre will give you a better update.

Sorry for the delay :)
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