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  1. SaulElijah

    PCSPECIALIST 20 or 30 little black and white things........

    So there was this bloke, driving along in his car, when up ahead in the road he see’s what looks like 20 or 30 black and white things. He get’s closer, pulls up. And sure enough, it’s 20 or 30 penguins just in the middle of the road. He thinks to himself, well I can’t just leave the little...
  2. SaulElijah

    PCSPECIALIST A quick hello from an autistic PC fan, and a short poem.

    Hello. My name is Saul. I have posted on here once before to get some advice on a build, which I found very useful thank you. Went ahead with the recommendations, just a slight change to the case, (Fractal Define 7 Black) and upped the boot drive to 1TB as I use music software and want...
  3. SaulElijah

    PCSPECIALIST Hello! Could you check my build?

    Hi all. I've put together a mid range build that is very appealing to me as it is not too expensive. Yes I am using older components but I am really quite a casual gamer, a lot of the games I will play are older titles that I have not got round to playing yet. And a lot of time gaming will...