2 PCs, 1 keyboard and mouse - how?

Not sure if this is the correct forum for this folks, but any help would be appreciated.

I'm needing to purchase a new PC as my current one isn't up to sec for gaming, however it is perfectly fine for everything else. So the question is, can I run both PCs using just one monitor and one wireless keyboard/mouse combo?

I don't want to run both as if they were one big PC - I understand that's quite techy and difficult - but if there's a way to save me having to buy a second monitor and peripherals then I'm a happy guy.
Any ideas as to what I need and what to do?


Member Resting in Peace
I can't see that being feasible really,not running both at the same time anyway.
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Member Resting in Peace
I think you can get a switch type thing which means you can use one keyboard, mouse, monitor over two PC's - I think they are called KVM switches
This is what an Amazon search came back with http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_3_10?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=kvm+switch+hdmi&sprefix=kvm+switch%2Caps%2C298
Yes you can use switch devices to switch peripherals from one PC to another,I use a similar device myself for my printer.
I thought the OP meant using them on two computers at the same time but I probably misread it.


The Awesome
Yes you can use switch devices to switch peripherals from one PC to another,I use a similar device myself for my printer.
I thought the OP meant using them on two computers at the same time but I probably misread it.

Yeah, I'm not sure either to be honest, I figured he must mean switching between them since he only plans to have one monitor, hopefully he shall reply and let us know what he meant :)
Yes, sorry folks, I meant being able to switch between one and the other. Apologies for the confusion, and thanks for the advice.


couldnt you just use a metal box and stick it over the wireless adaptor for the keyboard and mouse and when you want to use the other computer move the box to cover the other wireless adaptor. little less technical but im sure it would work. psychos use them metal cone helmets to stop wifi signals getting in their heads after all :)

alternatively use tin foil