2070S VS 2080S


Active member

I have a build on order which is still in Pre-prod so i'm still looking at various changes.

I currently have the 2070 super selected paired with the Ryzen 9 3900x. Is it worth going for the 2080 Super for an extra £175? (I don't have the money for the 2080TI)


To quote @Scott

Which monitor are you thinking of purchasing or what sort of budget are you looking to spend? As a rough guide here is what would normally be recommended:

1080p up to 75hz - 1650 super
1080p over 75hz - 1660 Super
1440p up to 75hz - 2060 Super
1440p over 75hz & VR - 2070 Super
4k up to 60hz, Ultrawide up to 100hz & High end VR - 2080 Super
4k over 60hz,, Super ultrawide and Ultrawide 100hz+ - 2080 Ti

I'd say the 2070S is a good shout, maybe no need to spend the extra ££s?