970 sli power requirements?


Bronze Level Poster
Hello, I'm looking to get a new PC soon. I plan to get a single GTX970 to begin with, then get a second for sli some time in the future and I have been doing some research as to the power needed for the sli setup and i've read a lot of contradicting opinions on the matter. Some say a minimum 750w but then other say 600w will be enough. The PCS configurator accepts 650w for an sli setup, yet on another PC site (which I won't name for obvious reasons) the configurator suggests 800w for the sli set up :wacko:

Can anyone give me some advice on the matter?. Thanks.


Multiverse Poster
PCS configurator is pretty accurate in terms of power requirements, I would personally go with 750w PSU.


Bronze Level Poster
Hi Keynes. Can you elaborate a bit on why you would go for 750w over 650w?. Will there really be a chance of it needing to exceed the requirements of a 650w psu?. In that case, shouldn't PCS be suggesting 750w instead?


Multiverse Poster
Hi Keynes. Can you elaborate a bit on why you would go for 750w over 650w?. Will there really be a chance of it needing to exceed the requirements of a 650w psu?. In that case, shouldn't PCS be suggesting 750w instead?

If 650w is suggested by PCS configurator, that includes a 20% allowance. Other sites may suggest 850w or 750w because it is an estimate. I would go with 750w because I would like to have more room for upgrades in the future and not being close to the suggested power requorements.


Bronze Level Poster
Alright thanks for the advice. I may just go for a 750w just for that extra assurance then.